Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Why (Education about) saving the earth is a passion!

Lately, I have been posting many messages about how to make our earth better.  Specifically, I have been promoting alternative energy where the incumbent is Fossil fuels.  We need to transition away from this. People like Donald Trump seem to think we can keep "Drilling" and things will be okay. Here in Canada, we have the same types of politicians. They al need education to understand the reality.

I want to ask all of you to separate your beliefs in climate change from a more practical sense of what it might mean to keep our lifestyles. The fact that people like Donald still believe in drilling is not going to help us. Regardless of what you believe in terms of climate change, we (the world) are running out of fossil fuels. The affordable oil is almost gone, perhaps at best another 50-80 years.  So ask this - "When it gets scarce, how much will it cost and who will buy it (or even be able to buy it)?".

In 2045, gas will probably cost around $12 per gallon. Each year accessing fossil fuel reserves gets harder. At some point, given an oil-based economy, our civilization will falter on this point.  People (largely Americans and Canadians) complain when gas hits $4 per gallon. That is roughly 4 liters of hydrocarbons.  

I went to Punk Rock Bowling in Las Vegas and was confronted with people who readily complained about the price for gas. I talked to them in concession lineups. When they ordered, they paid $5 USD for a 375 ML bottle of water. Note that it takes 3 of these to make a liter, then times 4 to make a gallon. The end of this is that people who complain about $4 per gallon of gas willingly fork over $60 a gallon for water!   ((3 * $5) * 4).

I am passionate about education in this regard.  We all need to understand that fossil fuels, even at $20 per gallon, are ridiculously under-priced.  

Deprecation of Technology?

When people went to music stores and bought 8-track tapes in 1980, if they had known that the 8-track player for cars was a goner, they might have changed their buying decisions and bought CDs instead.  The same basic pattern is inherent today.

Join me at Fully Charged LIVE Canada 2024 (Vancouver Convention Center, Sep 6-8) to understand what this all means.  


I will be there. It is my passion to help educate people on this topic, but more accurately, I wish to be able to help get you ahead of the curve, save you money both short and long-term, and help us all have a livable planet.

Come and join me!

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