Thursday, February 08, 2024

Brussels recommends new EU climate target: a 90% cut of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2040

As we already know - fossil fuels need to be transitioned away from. Regardless if you believe in climate change, we are simply running out of fossil fuels.

The 90% reduction, as compared to 1990s levels, would entail a massive deployment of renewable systems, the irreversible abolition of coal, and the near-total disappearance of gas from the bloc's energy system, as well as profound changes in transport, food, buildings, factories and waste management.

The target is necessary to keep the EU aligned with the 2015 Paris Agreement, which committed nations to keep the Earth's long-term average temperature well below 2°C and, preferably, below 1.5°C, a goal that each year appears to slip further away.

The sense of urgency dramatically ratcheted up when 2023 was declared the warmest year since records began in 1850, laying bare the ticking bomb set by the climate crisis.

Read the full story here:

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