Today I received the following email from the OASIS Open Document Format (ODF - the standard behind Technical Committee list. This is most welcomed and surely shows that Microsoft is receiving the message loud and clear that ODF should be embraced and not destroyed. I applaud their invitation to get developers to test out ODF support.
This email is public record on the ODF Technical Committee email archives:
"As you know, Microsoft has recently announced support for ODF in the next service pack for Office (SP2 for Office 2007, expected to be released in the first half of 2009). In conjunction with that announcement, we would like to invite all members of the OASIS OpenDocument Format TC and subcommittees to a 1-day DII workshop on how Office will support ODF. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 in Redmond, Washington.
This event will be an opportunity for you to see an early demonstration of our ODF support, meet members of the Office PM/dev teams responsible for ODF support, and hear how we're looking at document format interoperability in general. We're looking forward to the opportunity to get to know each of you and to learn about your view of these issues, and the day will include plenty of unstructured discussion time for those purposes.
The Forum will be an all-day event on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, followed by a hosted dinner event at a nearby location. We're still working out the details of the day, but it will include three general types of activities:
- Presentations from members of the Office product team, to explain our approach to ODF support and demonstrate some of the specific functionality we're planning.
- Hands-on lab time, to give you an opportunity to try out a pre-release version of our ODF support.
- Discussion time, so that we can hear your feedback on topics of interest to document format implementers.
If you are interested in attending, please let me know by June 30th by sending email to (dmahugh) at microsoft*dot*com. We will have limited space, so I wanted to extend this invitation to the ODF TC members first so that we can accommodate as many of you as would like to attend. We will provide additional information regarding logistics, local hotels, etc to confirmed attendees.
This event will provide a unique opportunity to see firsthand how Microsoft is planning to implement ODF support in Office, and we hope that you will be able to join us. If you have any questions or need additional information, please let me know.
Best regards,
Doug Mahugh