Thursday, November 04, 2010

AIR for Android Tutorial (Part 2)

In the first AIR for Android tutorial, we showed just how to get started.  This tutorial is a complete video along with the source code.  This blog post includes the necessary instructions for building your first application and then adding a transform gesture.  With many smartphones using touch screens, the desired behavior is to allow an application to scale upwards but never scale below a certain minimum size.  This tutorial and the accompanying source code or Flash Builder 4.1 project explain how to accomplish this task.

Untitled from Technoracle on Vimeo.

Source Code: (download)


  1. Sweet! Got my first Android app working the other night. The next thing I wanted to look into was the touch gestures. Going to look into this over the weekend. Thanks for the code!

  2. very nice Tutorial, very helpful for me.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Cpap Mask


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