Thursday, May 08, 2008

Duane's World TV Show Launches today!

Duane's World, a new TV show focused on how technology impacts people lives and full of interviews and coding samples and tips, launched today. There are 12 episodes planned for 2008. The first show starts with a small talk on Web Services and SOA, continues with an interview with the guys from Nitobi, and concludes with a lesson on how to use the Flex Builder version 3 WSDL import wizard to build a full web service client. Andre discusses AJAX, Flex, and AIR development including fighting for Red Bull drinks with Mike Chambers and playing jokes on Grant Skinner.


  1. Thank you, lovely. i like

  2. Hey, the first link "Duane's World" appears to be broken.. at least it took me to some mortgage link-spam site.

  3. it is fixed now. Sorry about that.

  4. I don't see the source code for the Web Service demo?

  5. The source code is here (30 projects in all):

  6. great blog...
    visit us at: Eureka Season 3


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