Wednesday, January 02, 2008

How cool is LiveCycle BAM ES?

LiveCycle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) ES is so cool, rockers everywhere are wearing the shirts and singing about it!

Actually, this image is from our 25th Anniversary party last month in San Jose, CA. The band Smash Mouth played (including some Van Halen covers) and that is only part of why Adobe is the coolest company in the world to work for.

Nevertheless, BAM is really amazing. Many people who want SOA governance should really be looking at LiveCycle BAM. SOA brings business functionality (capabilities) and business clients (needs) together via services. Monitoring the state of business processes that use services is a very valuable part of any mature SOA infrastructure. It blows people away that Adobe has this SOA component dialed but we've had tons of smart guys like Arun, Alex, and Kumar all working hard on this stuff for years.

LiveCycle BAM administrators and process participants can quickly identify bottlenecks, check progress, and view other process information to provide a 360-degree view of a business transaction.

LiveCycle BAM ES includes three major components:

Performance dashboard

Provides continuous visibility into all of your critical business information through an easy-to-use interface for customizing metrics, setting alerts, and drilling down to detailed data.

BAM Workbench

Allows system administrators to quickly and easily set up data integration, analytic models, and end-user dashboards to present current corporate information, historical data, or aggregated views.

Analytics server

A streaming data store for continuous data integration, as well as engines for multidimensional analysis, dynamic modeling, business rules execution, and exception and alert reporting.

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