Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Vancouver Flex, AIR and RIA training date set!

The Vancouver RIA training day is now set at August 30, 2007. You can register for it here:

This day will be all about RIA development and feature training in Flex, Adobe AIR (formerly Apollo), AJAX and other technologies. Nitobi's Andre Charland has agreed to be one of the presenters as well as Ryan Stewart from Seattle. Ross Ladell will also be there and hopefully do some Flash stuff.

Register now - space is *very* limited.

If you can't make it to this one, also consider MAX 2007 as the place to be for 2007.


  1. Thanks Duane for making it happen. I registered it, but on the registration page & email, it says Aug 30th. So, I assume, this is typo in your blog?

  2. yes - is a typo. The date is Aug 30. I'll fix the blog.

  3. Will you going to provide RIA training with placements? are you going to conduct any free training or workshop classes for RIA?


  4. Yes - a free training in Vancouver is in the works for late September 2011. Keep you posted!



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