Monday, April 02, 2007

Slides, Code Samples from 3 hour intro to Flex and Apollo

I had promised to upload the slides from Massive 2007 as well as the code examples used during the presentation. The presentation is 3 hours long and goes from Hello World to building an Apollo Browser in 5 lines of code. The slides are here and the Flex and Apollo Code Samples are on this PDF.

Please feel free to use the slide deck to help spread the good word. Please make sure to attribute where possible if you change the template.


  1. Dude - are you tripping gain? 3 hours to code up a 'hello world' application is nothing to brag about. I'd spend less time at seminars & conferences if I was you - they rot the brain.

  2. The course is an introduction to Flex and Apollo, including 7 code projects that the attendees could build. These included scripting behaviors, remote calls, writing some ActionScript and an Apollo app. Given we had 2.5 hours (minus break, this was all that could be fit in and some of the attendees barely made those.

    Introducing anyone to a new language and having them build 7 projects was as about as far as I could take it in the time allotted.

  3. Yes, is not a lot of time to do all that stuff. Thanks for posting the samples Duane !

  4. Thanks for the code samples. The intro was packed with good stuff. Tambo is a dolt. If he even looked at the content he would have seen the projects. Keep up the good work.


  5. tambo *is* a dolt and a moron. this was one of the best courses i did. thanks 4 make source code available too.

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