Monday, April 28, 2008

Web 2.0 Expo San Fransisco Materials

I will be shortly uploading the materials from the following two talks at Web 2.0 Expo:

1. Flex and AIR Boot Camp
- 25 code projects with source code [Download]
- instruction guide to present these [Download]
- PPT Slides (Feel free to use and re-label) [Download]
- Flex/Air Cookbook - Feb 2008 [Download]
- Bootcamp projects in MS Word with additional instruction [Download]

2. Ontologies for the Enterprise
- PDF version of slides. Note that you must check with John Sowa and Adam Pease before re-presenting these slides. [Download]

3. Specific Flex or AIR source code
- AIR Apple Shaped Application - no chrome, runtime morphing [Download]
- AIR Backwards Countdown Timer - counts backwards until specific date [Download]
- AIR FullScreen - app to mimic PPT presentation w/integrated demos [Download]

4. Misc Stuff I promised a few people
- 6 songs from my Band 22nd Century (zipped) [Download]

Please feel free to take the materials and use them to present. I'll post the URL's here once done.


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  5. Really enjoyed the Enterprise Ontologies presentation, Duane, and I signed up for the Adobe share in order to snag a copy. However, when I try to follow any of your links on this page to Adobe Share, I get an error message and not the files. Bummer.

  6. The deleted comments are spam by a moron named Steve Cadick. I am going to try and hunt him down to collect the $25k he owes me for spamming this blog when I fly to the UK next month. Sorry about the spam.

  7. Nick..I am having trouble downloading two of the files, it says web page not found

  8. Sorry - not sure what is up with I will put them all up at in the next week.



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